Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Storage of Cholam or Jonna Grain (Sorghum vulgare, Pers.) Free From Insect Attack


                                The storage of sorghum, without the grain being damaged by insects during storage, has been a problem with the cultivators, merchants and organisations dealing with sorghum either for food or for sowing purposes. Sometimes large quantities of grain are imported from other provinces and in a short time the grains get badly damaged by insects and the stock be- comes unfit for consumption. At the Agricultural Research Station, Hagari, (Bellary District-Madras Presidency) the need for storing about 10,000 lbs. of jonna grain (for seed purposes) for about 10 months, i. e from May 1944, the time of commencement of storing the harvested grain, to February 1945, the time of harvesting the next crop, was keenly felt, in the absence of naphthaleine or sulphur which are the usual preservatives at the station. Acorus powder was used to protect these grains and it was found to be very effective. The object of this short note is to bring to the notice of the public, cultivators, merchants and others interested in this problem, the results of a large scale experiment conducted at this station, on the storage of jonna grain with Acorus powder As new grain from the field is now coming on, the experiment has served its purpose.

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