Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Simplified Method of Conducting Yield Trials on Cultivator's Fields.


                                It has been found by experience that, at least in rice, it is never safe to introduce a variety or strain without thorough triais in the tract, where its distribution is proposed. The object of introducing new strains especially in India for a long time to come, must be their capacity to yield well. It has also been found that strains which yield well in one season may be poor in others; such strains are also nut desirable. It is therefore obvious, that a strain before it is released for general cultivation should be consistent in its high performance over the local standards in all seasons and all places. This can be judged only by yield trials conducted in as many representa- tive, localities as possible, run for at least three seasons to sample out sea- sonal conditions. The plant breeder is also interested in these trials as he will then be able to spot out the best cosmopolitan strain from amongst the cultures, all of which may be yielding well on his Research Station.

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