Madras Agricultural Journal
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Ratooning Sugarcane in Madras.


                                A ratoon' can be defined as a crop allowed to grow in the same field from the roots of the previous cane crop without planting seed sets anew. That which immediately succeeds a planted crop is called the first retoon and these following in subsequent years are designated as 2nd, 3rd or 4th ratoon etc. Ratooning is an age-old practice in vogue in most of the sugarcane growing countries of the world. (11) Decreased cost of cultivation anc early maturity are two of the most important causes that influence a culti vator to ratoon cane. In some countries like Cuba, West Indies and Britisk Guiana, it is reported that even five to six ratoon crops are taken from the same field. (12) According to the Indian Sugar Committee report (1920) ratooning cane was rot common in this province except in the Cumbun tark area of the Kurnool district. (16) But the position is now changed anc almost all the cane-growing districts of this presidency grow ratoons. This paper reviews the experiments conducted in the province on thi practice, and discusses its effects on the physiology and economics c sugarcane cultivation. We have also indicated the future lines of wor that is desirable to follow in ratooning cane.

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