Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Survey of Fruit-growing Practices and Fruit Research Problems in India.


                                India is a vast country wherein diverse olimates, ranging from the tropical to the temperate, are met with. As a consequence, the different regions, depending on their geographical situation, have come to be known for the particular fruit or fruits they grow; the apples of Kulu and Kashmir, the Malta oranges and grapefruits of the Punjab, the grapes of Quetta, the peaches of Peshawar, the litchi of Bihar, the mangoes and bananas of South India to name but a few are well known to the horticulturist in India. With the intensified oulture of these fruits in the regions best suited for them, specialisation in fruit-growing practices has followed, leading towards an attempt to either evolve new practices or modify existing ones which would fulfil the needs of each individual fruit-crop in a rational manner. This trend towards specialisa- tion embraces both the fruit-growing practices in the tract as a whole and also the fruit research upon which the workers there are engaged.

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