Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of Canes under Restricted Conditions of Manuring and Irrigation


                                In sugarcane culture it is well known that about 50% of the cost of cultivation is accounted by two items viz., irrigation and manuring. If an effective economy in either of the two or preferably both could be made without sacrifice of yield or crop quality it will be an achievement of far-reaching economic importance to the cane grower on one hand and the factory owner on the other. To this end experimental work on this crop was started at the Agricultural Research Station, Anakapalli. During the early part of such work the varieties of cane under cultivation were such that they did not lend themselves to any degree of restriction in either manuring or irrigation, to make cane culture a cheap proposition. Later, during the course of testing, at Anakapalli, of the seedling canes bred at the Imperial Sugarcane Breeding Station, Coimbatore, a differential degree of resistance to restriction in these two treatments was exhibited by a few of the cane varieties. Since then it was considered desirable to try the seedling canes under two sets of treatments designated as the "Normal" and "Restricted" for a study of their performance with special reference to growth and quality of juice. The results of such a study are presented in this paper.

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