Madras Agricultural Journal
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Regional Peculiarities in Apple Production


                                In the course of a recent survey of the apple growing industry in different parts of India, the author was struck with the amazing diversity of practices with reference to almost every aspect of apple production. Although characteristically a temperate zone deciduous fruit, the apple as grown in the different provinces and states of India has become adapted to such a great extent as even to be ranked as a commercial fruit to be grown amidst the tropical mango or citrus, as in certain parts of South India. The very wide diversity of conditions under which the apple is being produced is, therefore, a study of immense interest and has accordingly engaged the attention of the author. The present contribution is made with the hope that the varied features that are associated with apple culture in different regions of India may serve to bring out the immense possibilities for effecting improvements with due regard to the experiences of the particular locality and of those regions where entirely dissimilar conditions prevail.

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