Madras Agricultural Journal
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Manurial Experiments on Rice, (1. Application of Caltes as Nitrogenous Manures)


                                Vizagapatam in area is third in importance as a rice-producing district in the Madras Province. This crop occupies 7,429,000 acres. It is the staple food of the population and is supplemented by Ragi (Eleusine coracana) and pearl millet (Pennisetum typhoides). The average yield of rice in India is low when compared with those of other countries, such as Spain and Italy. The application of artificial fertilisers increases yields but their extensive use is neither economical nor beneficial to the soil in the long run. (1) In India organic manures are the most desirable for the improvement of soil as well as for yields of crops. Among the many organic manures, oil cakes are very popular in this district. The extent of their application is naturally limited to their availability. In Vizagapatam District about 36,000 tons of groundnut cake are available per annum. Besides this, other cakes such as castor cake and Pungam cake (Pongamia glabra) are also available in smaller quantities. It is necessary to find out which of these are the most suitable to the crop under the conditions of soil and climate of this district. Before recommending any particular level of nitrogen on a large scale, it is necessary to evalute the most profitable amount of the manure commensurate with the cost of its application.

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