Madras Agricultural Journal
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More Money from Vegetables on Drylands


                                Vegetable cultivation is common in the neighbourhood of cities and towns under lift irrigation and this may be termed as commercial farming on intensive lines. The possibility of growing vegetables on a remunerative basis under dry farming conditions either on commercial or intensive lines, has not been thought of previously. Therefore it is of great interest to know that in Guntur Taluk there is a tract comprising four or five villages which grows vegetables of the common types on a field scale under entirely dry conditions. This tract is about 5 to 7 miles equidistant from the towns of Guntur and Tenali and the total area under vegetables grown in this manner is said to be nearly 2,000 acres. It is evidently a fruitful combination of climate (rainfall), soil and market that has been responsible for this new and interesting system of farming.

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