Madras Agricultural Journal
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Growth and Development in Sugarcane in Relation to Methods of Preservation of Sets


                                Sugarcane is normally a twelve months crop. In this Province it is generally planted from February to April and harvested during the same months of the following year. Thus planting and harvesting. synchronise. After the introduction of Coimbatore seedling canes, types that mature in 10 months, or those that can stand in the field for over 12 months without deterioration, have come into cultivation, especially in the areas covered by sugar factories. Under such conditions, planting and harvesting may not generally synchronise due to cultivation of early and late types. It is within the experience of the ryots that if sets are planted prior to January, during the cold months, germination and growth are very poor; and if planting is delayed upto or after May low yields are recorded. Therefore irrespective of the period of harvest, planting is to be done during the months of February to April and for this purpose there is a great need to devise suitable methods to enable the ryots to preserve the sets, for a maximum period of two months and thus overcome the problem.

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