Madras Agricultural Journal
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A note on the Interspecific Hybridisation in Sesamum


                                In the course of the cytogenetical studies of the genus Sesamum (Gingelly), most of the available wild relatives of the cultivated species viz. Sesamum prostratum Retz, Sesamum laciniatum Klein, Sesamum radiatum Schum, and Sesamum occidentale Heer & Regel., were found possess to very valuable characters like disease and drought resistance. Most of the cultivated varieties of Sesamum indicum Linn. (Syn: Sesamит orientale Linn.) are found to be susceptible to the attack of Antigastra catalaunalis in the early stages and to the virus disease Phyllody'. With a view to get an economic type with all the desirable qualities, the species were crossed inter-se and some interesting results, have been noted regarding the crossability of the species.

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