Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Horticultural Programme for the Irrigation Project Areas


                                Horticulture is defined as the cultivation of plants for consumption or ornament, as distinguished from field crops, sylvicul- ture or forestry; Hortus meaning garden and culture being cultivation, by horticulture is meant cultivation of garden crops. While there are several schemes to increase the area under cereals, and some mention is discernible for increasing the area under vegetables, a comprehensive plan is still to be worked out for the development of fruit crops, which alone in the opinion of the author can effectively help to solve the food crisis. However, it will be only ignoring the facts, if fruits are intended to replace the cereal diet. The aim is only to supplement and not to substitute the normal diet. Fruits being appetisers and health promoters, the horticultural approach alone can provide a lasting solution to the devitalising food deficit. In preparing this paper the author has freely drawn information from several published and unpublished records. The paper deals mainly about fruit crops, as regards their importance, their responses under different environments and the possibilities for their extension, particularly in the irrigation project areas.

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