Madras Agricultural Journal
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Viability of Soine Grass Seeds


                                Seeds form the first and foremost basis for successful farming. They must be of superior quality, free from mixtures of other crop plants, varieties, strains and weeds, free from mechanical impurities, diseases and pests. While satisfying the above needs of good quality seed, the next most important point is that every seed sown should sprout and grow into a plant i. e. it must be viable. If they are poor in germination there will be gaps formed in the field and the yields will consequently be low. So it is very essential to have viable seeds for sowing purposes. The germination capacity of seed are affected by the environmental conditions at the time of the seed setting and formation, stage of harvest, methods of storage and period of storage. The present paper gives a preliminary report of the viability of a few grass seeds under different periods of storage

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