Madras Agricultural Journal
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Meteorology and Agriculture


                                Agriculture is being revolutionised by modern science. Weather Science has its own important part to play in the development of scientific agriculture. Scientists have evolved faithful and highly reliable instruments to record the minutest changes occurring in the weather conditions, both above and below the soil and also in different strata of the atmosphere. Exhaustive weather data, collected in a net work of meteorological observatories, enable the meteorologists to prepare weather maps and predict weather conditions a day or two in advance. Recently. the meteorologists have directed their research to the influence of the weather conditions on the crops under cultivation. Dr. L. A. Ramdas and his colleagues are the pioneers in this field fo far as India is concerned. The Central Government and the various Commodities Commities and the Madras Goverment are financing the 'All India. Co-ordinated Crop Weather Scheme' and the experiments are in progress at six selected typical agricultural tracts in the Presidency.

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