Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Standard Process for Cooking Rice for Experimental Purposes


                                Volume expansion on cooking has generally been accepted as a factor of quality in rice. Reported values for this factor are however often vitiated by the lack of any standard technique for its determination. Kondo (1928) and Kondo and Okamura (1930, 1933, 1935, 1937, 1938) boiled rice in a kettle and determined volume by water displacement. Srinivasan and Mudaliar (1938) cooked rice in a boiling tube 14" x 8.0", heated in a water bath, and measured the volume of the raw and cooked rice in a specially improvised dilatometer. Verghese (1948) during the course of an investi. gation on Quality in Rice, found it necessary to cook for estimating the expansion in volume and to collect the "Kanjee" the rice water-for the determination of its density, vicosity, reducing power, starch content etc., under standard and comparable conditions and the techinque for cooking rice detailed in this paper was consequently devised.

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