Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some problems on Banana Breeding


                                The province of Madras has an estimated area of 1,36,455 acres under bananas, with an annual production of 11,33,000 tons of fruits. Added to this the banana has also numerous other virtues, which entitles it to be classed as the most popular fruit crop in this province. It thrives from sea level up to 5,500 feet and is as equally at home in the arid hot plains as in the tropical humid zones. With a capacity to yield a quantity of food per acre excelled by none and of a type valuable to infants, invalids as well as for all normal persons the banana assumes a special importance in the present context of intensified food production. It is, therefore, appropriate that the Government of Madras, in conjunction with the Government of India have decided to establish the All India Banana Research Station in our province, in the Tanjore District.

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