Madras Agricultural Journal
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Improvement of the "Patcha Jonna" or yellow Sorghums of the Cuddapah and Kurnool districts (Madras)


                                The "Patcha Jonna" (Yellow Sorghums) tract of the Nandyal valley is bounded on the North by the river Thungabhadra and extends beyond the river Pennar, in the South, while on the East and West-it is bounded by the chains of the hills, "Nallamalais" and "Yerramalais" respectively. Jonna is the staple food crop of this tract, which comprises of Cuddapah and Kurnool districts; where normally 8,00,000 acres are anually sown under this crop. From the nutritional point of view, jonna is given a rank next to wheat and is considered better than rice on account of its protein and Vitamin B-1, contents. In forming "well balanced diet", the introduction of millet to a limited extent at the expense of the rice is found to satisfy all the essential food requirements.

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