Madras Agricultural Journal
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Pedigree seed of rice-its rapid extension in the country


                                Temporary increase in production could be obtained by erop management but as a long-term policy, efficiency of production must be increased by breeding. For, in the management of crop, the question of cost comes in, and a certain treatment ceases to have value if it is un- economical. That the use of seed, improved by breeding, is a sure and cheap way of augmenting seed supply is an indisputable point. It has been found that pedigree seed is able to give increased yield anywhere from 10 to 30 per cent depending upon the variety. It has also been found that certain seeds besidos yield, quality otc., are also valuable for their other characteristics such as resistance to lack or excess water, posts and diseases ote. The use of pedigree seed is thus an insurance against losses. It has also been found from some preliminary investigations that pedigree seed is more efficient in utilising soil nutrients.

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