Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some experiences with Gammexane (BHC) and DDT in the control of crop pests


                                The Entomological section has been engaged for some time in studying the effect of the two new insecticides Gammexane (B.H.C.) and D. D. T. on a wide range of crops and pests. The results in most cases have been far beyond expectations. In fact some of the tentative data have been so convincing in the case of a number of major pests like the paddy grasshopper (Hieroglyphus banian), the paddy jassid (Nephotettiz bipunctatus), the paddy swarming caterpillar (Spodoptera mauritia), the rice bug (Leptocorisa acuta), etc., that the information could be passed on straight away to the ryots even without any further confirmatory tests. What is more interesting is that the two chemicals appear to have a definite selective action, each being effective only against a cortain group or category of insects. The response from the ryots also has been very encouraging as a keen demand for these chemicals has now sprung up from farming public. These trials have revealed the possibilities of warding off the damage by many a crop pest, control measures for which were till now either imperfect or non-existent. The insecticides, apart from their high potency, are fairly cheap and easily available with some of the local firms.

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