Madras Agricultural Journal
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Fish manures and their importance to soil fertility


                                Fish Manures have been classified as concentrated organic manures and their use as a fertiliser to various crops is very well known. In the days of the Oil Sardine Fishery of the West coast of this Presidency, the Fish Scrap, after cooking and pressing for oil-popularly known as Fish, Guano-was in wide use as a manure for coconut trees, coffee, tea and tobacco plantations locally and the surplus amounting to many thousands of tons of this manure were exported. But the sardine fishery is almost a feature of the past and so the people here look to other kinds of fish manures. Various kinds of manures are generally prepared during seasonal gluts of the fishery and are immediately utilised in the nearby coffee, tea and tobacco plantations, so much so there is not sufficient manure left for use in the interior parts of the coastal strip. The types of manure manufactured at present can be broadly classified as beach-dried fish manure, pit fish manure and prawn shell manure.

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