Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Guava (Psidium guajava)


                                The guava is a sub-tropical, hardy, ever-green fruit- tree grown all over Utter Pradesh, and Madras. It is grown in parts of Sindh, and also in places like Dharwar in Bombay. It can with- stand a maximum temperature of 114° F., even with scanty rainfall of less than 10". In Madras it grows to perfection in the alluvial areas of the Godavari, Krishna and Sarada, where there is an adequate admixture of sand in the soil. In Bombay it has been reported to thrive quite well even on rocky soils. It is known to thrive even upto an altitude of 3,000 feet in the hill zones of South India. It is clear that it is a plant that is adaptable to conditions. a variety of By careful cultural practices and irrigation, the guava can be made to yield almost throughout the year. The cheapness of the fruit, with the superior quality of the seedless types, make them the ideal dessert fruit of the common man.

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