Madras Agricultural Journal
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Influence of Seed Size and Spacing on the Yield of Potatoes


                                To secure an economic return from any crop, the adoption of an optimum seed rate is important. Apart from the other factors that influence crop-yields, such as manuring and tillage, the return to the cultivator is secured to a great extent by adjustment of the quantity of seed he uses per acre. : Seed rate directly influences the population or stand of the crop, which in turn, influences the ultimate yield. At the same time, a given seed rate cannot be rigidly specified for any particular crop, since it is itself governed by various factors such as (1) the particular variety used; (2) the normal rainfall and other climatic factors of the region; (3) the physical nature of the soil, like its water-holding capacity; (4) the supply of available plant food it contains; (5) irriga- tional and other facilities and (6) manuring.

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