Madras Agricultural Journal
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Control of Quality in Fruit Products


                                Recent advances in our knowledge of nutrition have brought home the importance of fruits in a balanced diet. Fruits with their valuable vitamins and minerals are essential to man for maintaining good health. Unfortunately fruits, being highly seasonal, are subject to spoilage during periods of glut while they cannot be easily obtained during other parts of the year. Advances in food technology have, however, enabled us to preserve fruits in all their richness and flavour and make them available during any part of the year, and in any place by methods such as (1) Canning or bottling, (2) Preservation of fruit juices in the form of squashes, syrups, and cordials, (3) Conversion of fruit into jams, jellies, preserves and candies, (4) Dehydration and (5) Cold storage and freezing otc.

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