Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Contribution to the Taxonomy of the Genus Turnera, L.


                                The genus Turnera, L. (Turneraceae) is not dealt with in detail in any of the Floras and an adequate description is wanting. Haines (1921) and Trimen (1894) recognise only one species, viz., T. ulmifolia, L. while Grisebach (1864) 864) mentions three species, namely, T. ulmifolia, L., T. parviflora, Benth., and T. pumilia, L. Harvey (1862) has described in his flora only one species, T. capensis, Harv. Hooker (18 (1894) has omitted the entire family while Gamble (1924) gives only a very meagre description of the solitary species T. ulmifolia, L. and the two varieties T. ulmifolia, L. var. angustifolia, Willd., and T. ulmifolia, L. var. elegans, Urb., pointing out only the difference in leaves.

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