Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Short Note on Rainfall at Pattambi


                                Pattambi is a place situated in South Malabar. There is an Agricultural Research Station at this place for the past twenty- three years. Data of the daily rainfall for twenty-three years are available at the station. These data were taken up for statistical analysis with the object of gaining an insight into the distribution of the rainfall during the monsoons at Pattambi. Though only 16% of the total precipitation is received in the North- East Monsoon period as against 71% in the South-West Monsoon period, in view of the agricultural importance of both the monsoons, the rainfall in each of them was considered separately. Further, since Pattambi is a heavy rainfall tract with an annual precipitation of 101-43 inches a day of 10 cents and above has been considered as a rainy day.

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