Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Note on the Record Yield of C0419 Sugarcane in Kuniamuthur Village, Coimbatore.


                                Maximisation of food production is the crying need of the hour but increase in sugar production is also equally important. Results of research are translated in the cultivators' fields with the object of securing increased yields. The following is an account how increased yields of sugarcane were obtained by a progressive farmer, Sri P. G. Venugopal Naidu, Kuniamuthur. The field which gave such a phenomenal yield of 20,240 lb. of jaggery per acre is situated on a village road running parallel to the Kurichi channel on its northern bank four furlongs away from the Madras-Calicut trunk road, and about four miles from Coimbatore. The area planted with cane was six acres, irrigated from a well. The soil is black loam and well-drained. The crop was planted in furrows 36 inches apart and and watered regularly every tenth day, earthed up properly and the canes were induced to grow erect and tall. The canes were also propped up.

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