Madras Agricultural Journal
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                                The news that Raju had fallen in love came as a bolt from the blue even to his intimate friends. No one had expected such a thing would happen. Some how Raju did not appear to be of that sort to go and fall in love. At least he did not look like it. But the inevitable had happened and Raju was really in love. He himself could not say how all began. One fine evening as soon as the dull and monotonous lecture in Agriculture, was over, he went to the Nirmala College to see his sister who was studying there. He was asked to wait in the visitors room. Raju liad a hell of a time waiting there flooks of girls passed by that room staring at him as if he was an unusual specimen. While he was sitting there and fidgeting nervously, a girl entered and asked him in a sweet, soft voice, "Whom do you want to see, please?" Raju looked up and suddenly he felt a strange sensation. He forgot even good manners and involuntarily stared at the girl. How beautiful she was. Raju was sure he had never seen before such a girl. Soon he woke up from his reverie and realising the awkward situation, blurted ont, "Oh! I want to see my sister, I mean, I want to see Miss Leela" Quite involuntarily his left hand plunged deep into his trouser pocket and his right hand began to twitch at the funny knot-of his necktie. The girl, ignorant of his nervousness, knit her charming eye-brows in perplexity and asked, "Thangam, which one do you mean? Raju summoned up all his courage, and replied. "I mean K. Leela of junior inter."

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