Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some means to increase production of rice


                                The World War II has left its disastrous effects on every country. One such is shortage of food. Our country with its vast millions comprising nearly 1 5 of the world's population was even in normal times, an importing country in the matter of food grains. The present position is such that even if the world's production of rice is raised by 10 million tons it will not be possible to secure the prewar level of consumption in rice- eating countries as the deficit between production and consumption of rice is in the neighbourhood of 14 million tons. While, there is an increase in the population of the country by 10 per cent, the yield of rice has been going down due to adverse causes as failure of monsoons, want of fertilisers and agricultural implements. Dr. Aldous Huxley says "That the only alternative to world-wide starvation is reduction in numbers almost everywhere and a world population policy based on birth control. Meanwhile the resources of applied science are to be mobilised for the relief of the world's hunger". Sir John Russell, while agreeing with the latter proposition maintains that the world can keep pace in food production with any foreseeable increase in population. It is possible that the truth lies in between the pronouncements of the two eminent scientists. Leaving aside the question of birth control to economists and politicians let us examine a few ways and means of increasing rice production in our country with special reference to Madras State.

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