Madras Agricultural Journal
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Groundnut in Madras; Maximisation of Production


                                I propose to deal with the subject in two parts; first about maximisation of production in general and then about the groundnut in particular. Necessity for increased production: As in most parts of the world, in this country too, almost all commodities required by man, particularly foods and grains are in high demand and short supply. This situation has caused prices to soar up abnormally high, with the result that the lower and the middle classes are very hard hit. The standard of living is going down with consequent repercus- sions on health, society, State economy and public relations. In a country like ours where yields are low and famines are always staring us in the face, the necessity for increased production of all commodities is always there. While the world figure is 1'5 acres of cultivated land per head of population, the figure for this country is only about an acre, which is rather low, and on the other hand population is increasing at rather too rapid a rate. Therefore the need for increased production of crops is much more urgent in this country than in most other parts of the world.

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