Madras Agricultural Journal
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Pretreatment A New Aid for Improving Crop Yields


                                It is the object of this paper to just outline a few of the results obtained in the direction of improving yields by a new method that of supplying nutrient elements to plants before they are sown. It is course a truism to say that good crops are assured by good manuring, in the same way as good food makes for sturdy men and women. What is not so widely known is the fact that for plants too, a little help in the early stages, goes a long way in improving the subsequent growth and their ultimate yields in the same manner as a liberal supply of milk and milk products to children helps in laying the foundation for a strong and healthy manhood. The basio principle underlying the idea of pretreating seeds with nutrient salts is to introduce into the seed enough of the major nutrients like phosphorus and potassium in a readily available form, sufficient to carry the young plant through its early stages, before its root system is sufficiently developed to make full use of the available supplies of these nutrients in the soil.

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