Madras Agricultural Journal
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Irrigation as a means for Maximisation of Crop Production


                                The importance of irrigation to step up production of crops has been well recognised and of late numerous irrigation schemes have been started in various countries. In the Madras State, two major schemes viz., the Tungabhadra and the Lower Bhavani Projects are expected to be completed by 1952. Of these, the former is intended to irrigate certain parts of the Ceded Districts, over an area of two-and-a half lakhs of acres, where nearly cighty percent of tht tract is composed of deep black soils. As the tracts are subject to very variable and uncertain rainfall, the average yield of crops is low. Chemical investigations conducted on the black soil of the tract and the water of the Tungabhadra river were in favour of irrigation, since the salt contents were low and no harmful effects like upward rise of salts or water-logging were noticed as a result of irrigation. Likewise, the performance of the crops under irrigation.

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