Madras Agricultural Journal
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Some Experiences with BHC and DDT IV. The Paddy Grasshopper-Hieroglyphus banian, Fb.


                                The paddy grasshopper is one of the most destructive peste of this important food crop and its ravages are on record as early as 1888. Three species viz. Hieroglyphus banian, Fb., Hieroglyphus oryzivorus, Carl., and Hieroglyphus nigrorepletus, Bol., each having its own characteristic features and feeding habits have been observed in this country. Of these, Hieroylyphus nigrorepletus Bol. occurs both in short and full-winged forms and restricts its attention to dry crops cholam, maize, tenai and other lesser cereals and its zone of occurrence is limited to parts of the Ceded districts and Northern Circars. The other two species are specific pests of paddy. Of the two, Hieroglyphus oryzivorus, Carl., is mostly short-winged and occurs generally in the Northern Circars. Hieroglyphus, banian, Fb., on the other hand, possesses full-sized wings, has a wider distribution and the present article deals with this species only. A comprehensive account of these grasshoppers are already appeared in the "Control of Rice Grasshopper by Y. Ramachandra Rao and M. C. Cherian(Indian Farming -Vol. I-No. 9 and 10-1940); but a short resume is given belowto render this paper complete.

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