Madras Agricultural Journal
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A Note on the Behaviour of Three Inter-Racial Hybrids in Gossypium Arboreum L.


                                Since 1937, detailed studies were undertaken at Coimbatore towards a comprehensive understanding of the effects, and basis of the phenomenon of heterosis in all the four cultivated species of Gossypium; (Santhanam, 1951; unpublished). This note records the observations made on three inter-racial hybrids in G. arboreum L. during 1950-51 in continuation of this programme of work. The cultivated cottons of the Old World group fall under either of the two species G. arboreum L. or G. herbaceum L. The former is separated into six geographical races, burmanicum, indicum, bengalense,. cernuum, soudanense and sinense (Silow, 1944; Hutchinson, 1947).

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