Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Nitrogen Nutrition of Sugarcane


                                Of the major plant food elements, sugarcane responds most to nitrogen. Phosphate and potash are only of local importance depending upon the nature of the soil and its peculiar formation. Nitrogen happens to be the chief problem in the fertiliser programme for sugarcane, and it is the most fugitive of the three clements. The yield and quality are both affected by nitrogen. Low applications result in poor yields while high doses, result in canos of poor quality. Also, the climatic conditions and the time at which the nitrogen is applied have all got an effect upon the plant's reaction. Applications made late in the season depress the sugar content and yield of juice, resulting in poor quality jaggery. It can thus be seen that the nitrogen fertilisation of sugarcane is an operation which affects the yield, the composition, and quality of sugarcane and the sugar manufacturing and open pan industries.

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