Madras Agricultural Journal
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Performance of Vegetables under Ailanthus excelsa based Silvihorticultural System in Western Zone of Tamil Nadu


                                Experiments were conducted to develop a suitable Ailanthus excelsa based silvihorticultural system for higher productivity in Western zone of Tamil Nadu. Tomato, brinjal, bhendi, cluster beans and vegetable cowpea were intercropped in 3 years old Ailanthus excelsa. Results revealed that the growth and yield of intercrops were reduced under intercropping compared to pure cropping. Among the test crops, tomato was most affected and cluster bean was the least affected. However the benefit cost ratio was highest for brinjal (3.021) and lowest for vegetable cowpea (2.351) due to the higher productivity in brinjal. Growth of Ailanthus was also influenced due to intercropping with cluster beans and vegetable cowpea. The tree height and DBH of Ailanthus was highest when intercropped with cluster beans (15.21% and 10.00 % increase over pure tree) and the lowest was observed with tomato (4.30 % and 2.50 % increase over tree alone).

Key words : Ailanthus, intercrops, growth attributes, yield.


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