Madras Agricultural Journal
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Cost of Small-Scale Production of Canned Mangoes


                                At the Government Fruit Products Research Laboratory, Kodur, a series of investigations were taken up since 1943 to stand ardise methods for the preservation of the important fruits of South India. Preliminary details regarding the economics of fruit preservation as a cottage industry have been published by Siddappa, (1949). The most important from the preservation point are the mangoes and the citrus. fruits. Intensive research has been taken up to standardise different methods of preservation of these two fruits. Full details regarding these will be published elsewhere. In the course of these studies it was thought useful to work out the cost of production of canned mangoes on a small scale using laboratory or home-scale equipment. The method has been described by the author elsewhere. (Siddapppa; 1950). The details of the working of the cost of production during June-July 1950, are given in this paper as they may be of interest in these days, when great emphasis is placed on the development of small-scale and cottage industries.

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