Madras Agricultural Journal
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Potato Cultivation at Kodaikanal A Survey-Possibilities for Extension


                                Potato, is raised only over a limited aren in this State. Practically the entire extent is confined to the higher plateau of the Nilgiris, amounting to about 19,500 acres, while the balance of 600 to 800 acres is located at Kodai hills and the Shevaroys of the Madurai and Salem districts, This crop, which returns an average acre yield of nearly 10,000 lb. deserves further extension in view of its quick growth, high yield and nutritive value and ready response to cultural and manurial treatments. In recent years, fairly successful crops of potato were raised under irrigation. In certain parts of the State outside the Nilgiris, where the temperature range is between 60°F to 90°F during the winter period. (November-February). Even leaving such possibilities in the plains ont of account, there are many hilly regions with mild climate and well. distributed rainfall, where its cultivation can be taken up with profit. Among these Kodaikanal shows rich promise. This article presents briefly the information gained on the subject during a recent tour of survey and study of potato cultivation at Kodaikanal.

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