Madras Agricultural Journal
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Advances in Fertiliser Production and Use


                                One of the outstanding achievements in the field of Agriculture during the last one hundred years is the progress made in fertiliser production and use. Since the time Justus Von Liebig stressed the importance on plant nutrients and placed his patent manure on the market 110 years ago, scientists and manufacturers, the world over have probed into the problems of plant nutrition and nutrient supplies. Most famous are the studies at Rothamstead and Woburn in England, those of Wagner and Maercker in Germany, and those in the various states of the U. S. A. and in Pusa and Coimbatore in India. They have contributed a wealth of information on many phases of fertiliser production and fertiliser use in relation to soils and plant growth. This has resulted in the development of an industry of world-wide significance as an important branch of the chemical industry.

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