Madras Agricultural Journal
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Quality Control in the Manufacturing of Cholam Malt Extract


                                Malt extract possesses high nutritive value and is easily digested. Plain malt extract is administered not only to infants and invalids but also is used in pharmaceutical industry as a vehicle for fish-liver oils and mineral salts. Imported brands of malt extract are manufactured mostly from barley. Siddappa (1) reported that malt extract manufactured from Cholam or Jowar (Sorghum Vulgare) compares favourably with other standard malt extracts, The quality of the malt extract depends upon the care and precision with which the several processes involved in its manufacture are carried out. This was evident while manufacturing cholam malt extract at the Government Malt Factory at Coimbatore. Based on that experience certain suggestions have been made in this paper regarding the application of the methods of quality control in the different stages of manufacture of malt extract.

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