Madras Agricultural Journal
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Rural Economic Conditions of Coimbatore District


                                The term 'holding' mérely indicates ownership of agricultural land by any person. In general the greater the number of holdings, the greater is the agricultural backwardness in the sector of agriculture. We are unable to call the holdings in our country as so many farms as is the case in Western countries, because they do not constitute independent units of land areas for planned crop production as it obtains in those countries. The existence of numerous holdings, as they are found at present, is in itself, a sign of unprogressive agriculture, so far as modern standards of agricultural production are concerned. Hence for a rapid and substantial advancement in the industry of agriculture, the nature and implications of a holding as it stands to-day in our country, have to be studied and modified to that extent that each holding shall in future connote independent farming units exactly as they are found in the Western Countries, particularly in the U. S. A.

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