Madras Agricultural Journal
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R. E. Bullock Pump


                                Centrifugal pumps driven by oil engines and electric motors are undoubtedly about the most efficient means available for lifting water for irrigation and are fast becoming indispensable items in the equipments of most farms. Nevertheless these still remain out of the reach of several thousands of small farmers owning or cultivating only a few acres because their cost in terms of the financial resources of such farmers continues to be prohibitive. Irrespective of whether a farmer employs lift irrigation or not he has to necessarily maintain a few bullocks to do his ploughing and carting. It is seldom if ever that work can be found on a farm for these animals all the year round. Hence if a cheap and fairly efficient water lift which could be operated by a pair of bullock could be devised it was felt that many small farmers would consider its welcome addition to their equipment. It was with the object of providing such a water lift that the design of the bullock pump was undertaken in June 53 at the instance of the Director of Agricultural, Madras. The first successful model of the bullock pump suitable for use in open wells was manufactured and tested successfully at the Central Farm, Agricultural College, Coimbatore towards the end of 1953. In early 1954, a second model of the pump suitable for use in a tube well was also manufactured and tested.

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