Madras Agricultural Journal
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Fertiliser Studies with Potatoes- (Studies on the reduction of manure without detriment to crop yield or the productivity of the soil


                                The potato cultivation in this State, unlike in most of the other States, is confined mainly to the hills of Nilgiris, barring some few hundreds of acres in Kodaikanal and Hosur. The climate of the Nilgiris being equitable and mild, the potatoes can be grown throughout the year. However, the most favourable season is March to June. The total area as per the latest available statistics is about 19,500 acres with an yield of over 52,000 tons. The area under. cultivation has steadily been increasing since 1923-29 when it was fluctuating between 8,111 and 8,644 acres. In 1930-31 it was 10,600 acres but rose gradually to 15,400 acres in 1937-38 and to 19,500 in 1945-46 which level is being maintained at present. The object of the experiment was to study the possibilities of reducing the dosage of manure for growing potatoes in the Nilgiris without impairing the efficiency of yields or the productive capacity. of the soil.

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