Madras Agricultural Journal
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Impact of Irrigation Water Stress and Plant Population on Water Productivity and Maize Yield


                                Field investigation was conducted on effect of water deficit and plant populations on maize during kharif (2009) season in a split plot design with irrigation as main plot treatments and plant population as sub plot treatments. The irrigation treatments such as normal irrigation water requirement (0.8 IW/CPE ratio) (500 mm) (I1), 75 % of irrigation water requirement (0.6IW/CPE ratio) (375 mm) (I2), 50 % of irrigation water requirement (0.4 IW/CPE ratio) (250 mm) (I3), with a normal spacing (60x20cm) (80,000 plants ha-1) (S1), narrow spacing (30x30cm) (1,06,666 plants ha-1) (S2) and reduced narrow spacing (45x20cm) (1,11,111 plants ha-1) (S3) were followed. Higher water productivity was observed in 50 % irrigation water requirement followed by 75% of water requirement. Yield increment was registered in narrow spacing than normal spacing. Narrow planting increased the yield by 5 %, 6 %, 13 % over the normal spacing in 50 %, 75% and normal water requirement.

Key words : Relative Water Content, Water Productivity, Harvest Index, Plant population


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