Author:Parthasarathi T , Vanitha K and Velu G
p-ISSN:0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol:100, Issue:jan-mar
DOI: investigation was conducted on effect of water deficit and plant populations on maize during kharif (2009) season in a split plot design with irrigation as main plot treatments and plant population as sub plot treatments. The irrigation treatments such as normal irrigation water requirement (0.8 IW/CPE ratio) (500 mm) (I1), 75 % of irrigation water requirement (0.6IW/CPE ratio) (375 mm) (I2), 50 % of irrigation water requirement (0.4 IW/CPE ratio) (250 mm) (I3), with a normal spacing (60x20cm) (80,000 plants ha-1) (S1), narrow spacing (30x30cm) (1,06,666 plants ha-1) (S2) and reduced narrow spacing (45x20cm) (1,11,111 plants ha-1) (S3) were followed. Higher water productivity was observed in 50 % irrigation water requirement followed by 75% of water requirement. Yield increment was registered in narrow spacing than normal spacing. Narrow planting increased the yield by 5 %, 6 %, 13 % over the normal spacing in 50 %, 75% and normal water requirement.
Key words : Relative Water Content, Water Productivity, Harvest Index, Plant population
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