Madras Agricultural Journal
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The Condition Factor for Paddy and the Irrigation Facilities available in certain Districts of Madras State during the last Fifty Years


                                The estimate of output of any crop for each district in a given year is the product of three factors, namely (1) the area under the crop in that year, (2) the normal yield per acre and (3) the condition factor for that year. The area under the crop is compiled'every year by village officers based on the actual area sown to that crop in each holding. So far as the normal yield per acre for paddy is concerned, this was worked out by the Director of Agriculture, Madras in the year 1919 for each district. This figure is continued to be adopted since then and upto 1949'50. The condition factor (or the seasonal factor as it is also called) is the percentage of the normal yield estimated to be obtained each year. If the season is normal in any year, the normal yield can be expected and therefore the condition factor for that year is expressed as 100. Conditions of drought, floods, incidence of pests etc., affect the yields. The village officers furnish every year their estimates of what percentage of the normal yield is expected from their villages. Based on these estimates and the area under the crop in cach village, the average condition factor is calculated for each district.

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