Madras Agricultural Journal
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Removal of High Acidity in Ghee.


                                It was described in a note by the Bureau of Public Information, Government of India, that a simple process for the removal of free-fatty acids in ghee had been worked out under the auspicies of the I. C. A. R. The method was acclaimed to be simple, involving no new or extra equipment from those used in ghee making. The loss of ghee due to removal of the acid fraction and during the processing was said to be small. The resultant product was said to be wholesome which would fetch a better price than the original high acid ghee. In order to test the method suggested in the note, experiments were conducted for the removal of high acidity in ghee. Sambasiva Rao (1949) studied several methods suitable for adoption by the housewife for preparing good ghee from butter and found that preservation under butter milk was the best. He also describes a method for renovation of bad smelling rancid ghee, by boiling it with banana slices. This treatment seems to have given a ghee passable in flavour and taste.

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