Madras Agricultural Journal
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Aluminium in Plant Nutrition


                                The metal aluminium is one of the relatively abundant element in the earths' crust and as such it is a constituent, of almost all soils Inspite of its abundance, its essentiality for plant growth is still no definite, although its presence has been observed in minute quantities in most plants. It exista in all flowering plants, in widely varying amounts, fron 6 mg. per kgm. of dry matter in sugar beet, upto 1640 mg. per kgm, in beans. Grains and seeds as a rule are very low in Aluminium content Green leafy vegetables ordinarily contain the highest proportion o Aluminium. It accumulates more rapidly during early growth than later more abundantly in the leaves than elsewhere and particularly so in the greenest leaves than in pale or etiolated ones. Fleshy succulent fruit: have usually a medium content of Aluminium., but strawberries seen to be an exception as they are relatively rich in this metal. Edible, roots have less than ordinary roots. Bulbs and tubers have a mediun Aluminium., content, but the onion bulb is especially rich as in other metals.

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