Madras Agricultural Journal
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Grapevine Diseases and their Control


                                Grapevine is cultivated in a number of districts in this state. Madura leads in the acreage and the vines are grown in a number of taluks of this district. Outside Madura district, grapevine cultivation is prevalent to a limited extent in Tirunelvely, Tiruchirapally, Coimbatore, Salem and S. Arcot districts. The total acreage in this state may not exceed 500 acres. The variety commonly cultivated is known as "Pachai dhrakshi" in Tamil. Some growers however havo introduced the seed- less Australian varieties. Blackprince' and another purple fruited variety are also grown to some extent. This crop is highly remunerative but needs careful attention in pruning and in the control of the diseases which form the limiting factors in the successful production of the fruits. The chief diseases affecting the crop and the methods of controlling them are described in the following pages.

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