Madras Agricultural Journal
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Recent Advances in Agriculture their Importance to Coconut Industry


                                Considerable research work is being pursued on the theoretical and practical aspects of agriculture in the different countries of the world and results of practical importance are getting accumulated from year to year. Only careful study of individual problems can how- ever reveal to what extent the results would be of practical applicability for the improvement of the crop concerned. Systematic long-range applied research on coconut is of recent origin. Copeland has, in his well-known book, described the work done in the Philippines on the physiology of coconut in the earlier years. The four coconut Research Stations in the Madras State have contributed much valuable information on the development of the crop. A research Scheme on coconut was initiated in Ceylon in 1933. In 1929 the Department of Agriculture, Straits settlements and Federated Malaya States started research on Coconut products. Entomological work in Fiji has provided good examples of biological control. Research Stations in Indonesia carried out much work on coconut palms.

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