Madras Agricultural Journal
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Studies on Seed-Borne Fungi of Rice


The paddy crop is subjected to a number of diseases both in the seedbed and in the mainfield. Most of the trouble arises as a result of either using diseased seed material or the seed is attacked by the microflora present in the soil. The damage becomes very serious when soil and weather conditions favour the growth and development of the harmful microflora of the seed and soil. As a result of infection, there is seed decay resulting in the failure of germination of seed, destruction of young seedlings before emergence (pre-emergence blight) and even the seedlings that emerge out survive in a weakened state until they finally succumb to some trouble or other (post-emergence blight). The damage to seedlings is quite enormous resulting in the non- availability of sufficient seedlings and at times even necessitnting the raising of seedlings again.



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