Madras Agricultural Journal
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Economics of DNA Finger Printing Assessment


                                DNA finger printing is a quick, accurate, low cost, reliable technology that immensely augments genetic purity profile of rice hybrid CORH 3 and its parental lines of TNAU CMS 2A, CB87R and TNAU CMS 2B. The present investigation compared the cultivation cost of Grow Out Test field as well as DNA finger printing at the laboratory and revealed that the cost involved for determining the genetic purity of a genotype was around Rs.717 per sample for GOT method and Rs.4845 for DNA finger printing method respectively. Even though the cost was higher for DNA finger printing it must be judged against the opportunity cost and the cost involved in storing of seeds for few months until GOT results are made available.

Key words : Grow Out Test, DNA fingerprinting, Genetic Purity


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