p-ISSN: 0024-9602, e-ISSN:2582-5321, Vol: 43, Issue: jul-jul,
Information on the amount of organic residues left by a crop after harvest is not available for many crops of the State. This information is important, as crop residues contribute considerably to the soil organic matter content and also add nitrogen and other plant nutrients to the soil. The nitrogen in the organic matter is in the form of humus protein which is resistant to microbiological attack but ensures a steady stream of ammonia and nitrate during the growing season of a crop. The phosphorus compounds in humus are also available gradually by the decomposition of humus; this organic phosphorus is about as available to plants as inorganic phosphorus. Even in paddy, which is an important crop of the State, no reliable data are available anywhere in literature. Therefore, an attempt was made to gather this information on paddy, using CO.25 variety.
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